Woman practising yoga and mindfulness

The natural high

Science is showing us what we intuitively know. Exposure to the natural world makes us happier and healthier, says Jessica Salter
Oranges, ginger and other ingredients for healthy drinks

The wellness drinks trend explained

Increasingly, our health and wellbeing are at the top of the agenda and we are…
The infinity pool at the exclusive Palace Wellness spa in St. Moritz

Boost your immune system

Deep breathing, reducing stress and a good night’s sleep are simple ways…
Woman asleep

How to sleep well

Discover the secrets of a good night’s sleep and how guests at…
Man standing in front of lake

How water heals the mind

With evidence growing of the remarkable therapeutic value of water, Mary Munford…
Woman being pampered

Bespoke beauty

Customised skin care and made-to-measure solutions are the new beauty trends to…

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